Build Branded Short URLs
Terminus works with your custom domain to help you build branded short urls. Share nice looking URLs on Twitter, Facebook and other social networks.
You can even enable HTTPS for your custom domain for security and privacy of your visitors.

Link Retargeting
Use our redirect codes feature to add people to your retargeting lists when they click your short urls.
Segment your audience based on URLs they click even if you are sharing someone else's webpage.
You can also use it to fire any Google Analytics event or trigger any piece of javascript.

Retarget users based on any UTM value
Whenever someone clicks on your short urls, you can specify which campaign
they were part of using our dynamic parameter insertion feature, e.g.
, etc.
You can then retarget users based on UTM campaign, UTM medium, etc. behind the short urls they clicked.
var fbTrack = function() { fbq('track', "ShortUrlRedirect", {campaign: _tu.utm_campaign}) }
Drilldown Reports
See the click reports within Terminus to see how your campaigns are doing. Drilldown to a specific campaign, medium, or source to see what's working and what's not. Just share your short URLs as usual. There's nothing to install on your website.